In order to commemorate Mr. QIAN Baojun, his promotion of the development of the world's fiber science and the progress of the fiber industry, especially the spirit of innovation and struggle of the Chinese fiber science, the QIAN Baojun Foundation decided to establish the QIAN Baojun Fiber Award in 2016. QIAN Baojun Fiber Award includes "Distinguished Achievement Award" and "Young Scholar Award", which will be rewarded to distinguished scientists and excellent young scholars in the field of fiber related sciences. The awards have been selected once in two years, and a number of companies in the fiber and textile sector have invested in the award.
As one of the first original masters play in Shanghai. "QIAN Baojun Masters" vividly reproduces the contribution of Mr. QIAN Baojun to Chinese fiber industry from nonexistence to pass into existence. The first "QIAN Baojun Masters" show was staged on Teacher's Day in 2015, which caused a sensation in Shanghai. It has been staged 14 times so far, and more than 16,000 teachers and students have watched the performance. Now it has become a famous cultural brand of the school and has become the first class of new teachers and students.
"衣被天下,经纬兴国",以传播材料科学知识、提升民众科学素养为己任,多层次、全方位开展教育和传播工作。 近五年,开放日参观70余次,接待大中小学生等3300余人,举办夏令营6 次,科普讲座和学生实践等400余次。